Writing a Birth Plan: Childbirth Education with Carolina Birth and Wellness

Our 3.5 hour childbirth education class covers all the major topics from physical and emotional comfort measures, to the labor process, and through medications and augmentations used in the birth process. To end the class, we introduce the idea of writing your birth plan. And why do we end the class with it rather than start it? Well, because we want you to know what the heck to include!

But Our Favorite Topic Is The Birth Plan

So why is it our favorite? Well, because this is when you get to write your birth plan, you are in control! And as doulas, we love when our clients are making the decision that is best for them.

We strongly believe that writing the birth plan can be reinforcement of your takeaways from class, but also a chance for you to see what really matters for you, your baby, and your body. One person may strongly believe in one aspect that they must include on the birth plan, whereas another person is more flexible on that topic, and that is completely fine!

We also strongly believe that writing your plan is not writing a plan that MUST be followed, or else… But rather, a time for you and your partner to learn about option 1, option 2, and sometimes even option 45, so as birth happens, you are prepared.

General Outline of the Birth Plan

During our class, we give you two documents: one is about 9 pages of options that you and your partner get to work through together and the other is a single sheet of paper that you bring to your birthing location.

The first document starts with questions about how you want information delivered to you, your comfort level with advocating for yourself, and your hopes from each member of your birth team. We find that while this information is extremely important, the most benefit comes from having this conversation with you and your partner (and others who may be present in the birth room). This is a great opportunity to really understand how communication between you, your partner, and your medical team is most effective.

The plan progresses into prenatal procedures that you have a choice about prior to labor beginning, including specifically prenatal cervical checks. We have found that many of our clients have different opinions about these checks based on their personalities, and we want to highlight that you should absolutely be true to yourself when learning information about your body.

The plan then dives deep into labor, pushing, and crowning preferences. You will note we said preferences, because we want to stress that this is your goal, and you are not necessarily planning for an emergency when the medical team then takes over.

And just like that, you had your baby! The plan also includes your immediate postpartum goals and newborn procedures. We have found that including this information is helpful so you can also have it written down somewhere as your mind is not always the most focused on all of the other things when your baby is born.

Since we are all about options, the birth plan document ends with your preferences for a cesarean. This could be a planned or unplanned because we want you to feel confident your choices if your medical team suggests a cesarean is indicated.

Once you have completed the big birth plan document, you will also have a smaller one page document to bring to the birthing location with you. This includes the most important information that your medical team needs to know in the moment. There is plenty of free space for you to write that important information, as that varies from person to person!

A Plan Of Options

As you can tell from all of this information, the plan is full of options for you. There is not one way to write this birth plan, and that is a point we make very clear throughout the class. Our number one job is to teach you the evidence and the why, and give you the confidence and knowledge to make a birth plan that works best for you!

We hope this gave you a good idea of what to expect from our 3.5 hour childbirth education class. With minimal in-person classes being offered, especially in Durham, we are excited to be able to offer a safe environment for this much needed service. Our classes are limited in size with masks required in office, and industrial grade air purifiers running the entire time. Classes are held monthly starting at 9a! We hope to see you there! Register now to join us at our next monthly class!