Packing For A Birth Center Birth (Plus a FREE Printable)

Birthing at a birth center gives you more freedom of how you have your baby, but it does mean you need to think about what you will bring with in a different way. 


Shorter stays at the actual birth center, coupled with more freedom of what to wear and eat means that your bag will look a little different from those who choose to birth at a hospital.

Below are a few of our favorite tips when it comes to packing for the birth center and then you will find a free downloadable checklist you can use to pack your perfect birth bag, including a water bottle with a straw, the best birth tool possible.

Personalize Your Comfort Measures

The birth centers have some great comfort measures available to you, such as huge soaking tubs, essential oils and diffusers, birth balls, peanut balls, and a queen sized bed. We still recommend you customize and bring some of your own comfort measures. This may include different essential oils, affirmations and lights to hang in the room, or other specific tools that you have learned about throughout your pregnancy. The rooms do not have TVs, so if watching movies is something that you hope to do, we recommend bringing your own device.

All The Food

raleigh doulas

One of the lovely things about giving birth in a birth center is the ability to eat whatever you want, whenever you want. The downside is, no postpartum meal will be delivered to your room.

That just means you need to pack labor snacks, and post-birth meal for both you and your partner. Many area restaurants do delivery to the birth centers, but not usually in the middle of the night.

Something to Wear During Labor

A good amount of birthing folks end up without any clothes on, but in the early stages of labor it can be nice to have something to wear. A simple dress and sports bra or nursing bra are usually perfect. You want it to be comfortable, easy to get off, and not your favorite thing as it might get a little dirty. 

A folder, pen and notepad

Immediately post birth, your brain will be a bit fuzzy. So having a folder with important documents, a notepad to write down any notes the midwives tell you, and a place to stay organized will be invaluable. 

A treat for yourself

You just had a baby! It is time for a treat! Whether that is a drink you have been avoiding for the last 40-ish weeks, or a food that you have been thinking about that does not agree with your baby. Now is your time to enjoy it! The birth centers all have refrigerators available for their clients to use, so there is perfect place to story exactly what you have been missing. 

Check out our Packing List for a Birth Center Birth to help you pack the perfect bag.

What is something you found invaluable, or on the flip, something you thought you would love but ended up not using at all?