
Provider Spotlight: Kyrsten Spurrier of The Perinatal Pelvis

Kyrsten Spurrier of The Perinatal Pelvis is a occupational therapist in Hillsborough, NC, that specializes in women’s pelvic floor health and wellness, specifically for those with pelvic floor dysfunction as a result of pregnancy or birth.

Childbirth Refresher Class

For individuals that have given birth before, most childbirth classes can be very repetitive. And that is nothing against the class or the instructor, but first time parents and second time parents have different questions and would like different information!

Virtual Doula Support and Virtual Childbirth Classes

In our new reality of living with stay at home orders, school closures, and wearing pajamas all day, the one thing that will not change is babies. Folks will be getting pregnant, will be needing support, will be needing childbirth educator, and will be giving birth. While the current conditions may not be ideal, our goal at Carolina Birth and Wellness is to provide the level of support pregnant people and their families deserve.

The First Time Parent's Guide to Childbirth Education

As a first time parent, you are often faced with the idea that you should take childbirth education classes, but you have no idea where to take them or when to take them! Then once you figure out those details, you have no idea about what you are learning! Everyone has different and unique needs, and a standard one size fits all class approach isn’t always what you need.

Infant Poop: Color, Smell, and Quantity

We are talking all about infant poop! Check it out to see all the variations of color that are completely newborn when you have a newborn.

Who's Who In The Birth Room

As you are getting ready to have your baby, it can be a little confusing to learn the various titles that may be present. Check out our blog to learn more!

OR Certified Doulas At UNC Medical Center in Chapel Hill

According to the CDC’s most recent data, in 2018 the cesarean birth rate in North Carolina is 29.4%. While this number is still slightly less than the national average of 31.9%, it is a number that we need to take note of as doulas.

50 Best Books For Newborns

Reading to babies starting from an early age has many positive effects on not only their development, it is a great bonding experience for caregiver and baby!

Initial Consultation with IBCLC

Our International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) travel to clients homes around the Triangle for in-depth, evidence based breastfeeding education, counseling, and support. Whether you are having a specific concern, or just a wanting to make sure you are off to a good start in your breastfeeding journey, these comprehensive consultations will provide the support you need!

Adjusting to Life With Two Kids

As you make the transition from one kid to two, there are definitely some major changes to your life. Yes, there is another little person to take care of and maybe a little less sleep for you. But, your heart grows and the love you feel for your first baby doesn’t change, you just double the amount of love for your new baby!

Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids

There is no doubt in the fact that the problem of hemorrhoids can be quite aggravating for any patient. And for that, we would need to understand what hemorrhoids are in the first place?

Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs) in Men

Being a new Dad is life changing. There are amazing highs, and for about 1 in 10 men, there are some pretty low lows.

Packing For A Birth Center Birth (Plus a FREE Printable)

Birthing at a birth center gives you more freedom of how you have your baby, but it does mean you need to think about what you will bring with in a different way. 

Virtual Doula Support

And while some clients love to have that face to face support that they receive through our traditional Birth Doula Support, or our Postpartum Doula Support some have more specific needs. Those needs may not require that same physical presence at their birth. Because of that, we are officially launching our Virtual Doula Support.

Group Prenatal Appointments for Birth Doula Clients

Our goal of these prenatal appointments is to supplement the information you are receiving in the your childbirth education classes and private prenatal appointments with your doulas, while also building your community. 

Provider Spotlight: Whole Mama Yoga

A few months ago, we were lucky enough to take a Yoga for Doulas from Whole Mama Yoga. It was great for us to learn some basic poses that we could pass on to our clients, as well as a great time for us to enjoy a lovely afternoon of yoga with other Triangle area doulas.

Pressure of Breast Massage to Support Lactation

When you have knot in a muscle, what feels so wonderful is a massage therapist to dig her elbow into that sore spot until you feel some relief. And when you have a clogged duct, the same logic should apply, right? You may be surprised about that answer!

Provider Spotlight: Triangle Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center

We have known Dr. Lindsay Mumma of Triangle Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center for a few years now, and love her approach to prenatal and postpartum care in the Triangle!

Topical Nipple Care

Last week we talked about typical nipple issues that many of our breastfeeding clients face, from compression lines on nipples due to shallow latch to infections, and everything in between. The most important part of nipple care though is always figuring out the problem prior to caring for your nipple. Our postpartum doulas can help you figure out the problem, but once you have done that, you are left wondering how do you actually care for your damaged nipples?