Therapeutic Benefits of Castor Oil

When you first mention castor oil, there tends to be two general reactions: 

OH HELL NO! I had some to help my baby come and never again


What is that? Never heard of it!

These opposite ends of the spectrum reaction illustrate that castor oil usage is not very well known. And we are hoping to help shed some light on this amazing oil and how you can safely use it in your everyday life (without having to stay too close to the bathroom!).

What Exactly is Castor Oil?

Processed from a castor bean, castor oil is a thick liquid that is rich in fatty acids. Originally used to help a cars engine run smoothly, it is now helpful in making our bodies run smoothly as well. While it often is used as a laxative, it also has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties which means that it can have a myriad of usages!

Castor oil benefits

One thing to be aware of before using castor oil is this stuff is thick! I have a special castor oil towel and pillow case to make sure not to ruin too many other fabrics. When they get washed (because it is not necessary to wash after each usage if the oil is not dripping off), I wash them alone and with nothing else I care about so not to ruin anything. Furthermore, I make sure when I am applying castor oil to myself, I lay on a towel so no oil drips onto the surface under me.

With being a thick oil that is very hydrating, castor oil has many benefits for the body as well as the skin. Some of these benefits include:

  • Cleansing: Castor oil can cleanse the gut by expelling any stubborn residue.

  • Softening: As castor oil absorbs into the skin, it can soften the bowels and any adhesions that are present. 

  • Relaxing: A hot pack on your stomach with a castor oil feels lovely and is deeply relaxing.

  • Detoxification: With the liver being the main organ for detoxification, castor oil aids in that and helps the liver more effectively function.

  • Beauty: Castor oil is so hydrating, some people use it to improve their hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, skin, and even as a natural makeup remover!

Castor Oil to Help With Fertility Care

Castor oil either massaged into the skin or used as a castor oil pack, can be very beneficial for systemic cleansing focused on the abdominal area. If you are on your period and actively bleeding, it is not recommended that you use heat with the castor oil pack.

at home fertility tips

On top of being deeply relaxing and soothing (something we all need more of, especially if you are facing fertility challenges), there are several areas of fertility support that castor oil and the usage of castor oil packs can help with:

  • Uterine Fibroids: Castor oil can help “melt” (Sailaja) fibroids and provide relief from discomfort from the fibrioids.

  • Endometriosis: With the anti-inflammatory properties of castor oil, it can help reduce the pain associated with a flare up.

  • PCOS: Castor oil packs can help with reducing pelvic and menstrual pain from PCOS.

Plus, for general fertility support, castor oil packs are highly recommended for the cleansing and relaxing properties associated with this amazing and easy at home way to improve your fertility. 

Labor Stimulating and Castor Oil

Before we go into talk about the labor stimulating qualities of castor oil, please know that as doulas, we never recommend someone ingest anything for medical reasons. If you are interested in doing so, please ONLY do so under the care and direction of your medical provider.

For our purposes, we only recommend the topical usages of castor oil to help in labor stimulating.

labor stimulating tips

By massaging castor oil on your stomach, not only do you have a special way to connect with your baby prior to the birth, the castor can sink into the skin to have some of the benefits of labor stimulating, without the (sometimes extensive) bowel movements that can accompany ingesting castor oil.

Massaging castor oil in a clockwise directions is recommended as the colon moves in the same direction and it may encourage things to exit rather than get clogged up. After a few clockwise circles of massage on your baby, lay back and relax with a warm towel across your baby to let the oil sink in and hopefully work some magic. 

Scar Massage With Castor Oil

Scars carry as much emotional weight as physical, so the first step to any scar is that you proceed on your own time. In general, making contact with the scar 4-6 weeks after the surgery is competed and the incision is completely healed is the ideal time period to start.

scar massage tips

Even if you are not able to physically massage the scar (I, myself, was not able to physically touch my cesarean scar for close to a year because it just felt so weird and foreign), placing castor oil on the scar can help loosen the scar and the tissue beneath it. Placing some castor oil on a washcloth and dabbing it on to the scar can provide huge benefits! Once the castor oil is on the scar, place a towel on top of it and then a heat source to let the oil really sink into the tissue. 

Scars that benefit from castor oil:

  • Laparoscopic scars 

  • Epidural sites 

  • Cesarean scars

  • Mole removal

  • And many more!

When actually massaging the scar with castor oil, we recommend cross fiber friction where you place your fingers on the scar directly and move the tissue without moving your fingers in the opposite direction of the scar. While it can be beneficial to massage the scar sooner rather than later, it does not hurt to massage a scar with castor oil that is a few years old because there still could be some scar tissue hanging out that might benefit from the massage.

How to Make A Castor Oil Pack

Castor oil packs are a lovely addition to your self care routine. What is so lovely about doing these is that it is relatively easy. I tend to do castor oil packs when I am laying on couch relaxing before bed.

Supplies Needed for a Castor Oil Pack

  • Cold pressed and cold processed castor oil

  • Flannel pillow case 

  • Heat source (I prefer hot water bottles as the heat plus the weight feels good, but a heating pad also works well)

  • Towel (for cleaning hands and any drips)

Steps for Castor Oil Application 

  • Prepare your area by ensuring oil will not stain your furniture or clothing. Also having a towel to wipe any excess oil off at the end of the session is helpful 

  • Liberally rub oil in a clockwise direction on your stomach.

  • Place a flannel sheet on top that completely covers your stomach.

  • Top with a heating source, such as hot water bottle heater or heating pad. Test to ensure heat is not too high to harm your skin.

  • You then leave the pack on for about 25-60 minutes, or until the oil is completely absorbed into your skin. 

We hope this gave you some excitement to start using castor oil in your daily life! We love it and think it’s a great addition to your self care routine (and also to our fertility self care box coming soon!).


Sailaja AK (2017) Treatment of Uterine Fibroids Based on Allopathy and Indian System of Medicine. J Nurs Women's Health 2: 122. DOI: 10.29011/2577-1450.100022