Sore Breasts During Pregnancy

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Our breasts are pretty amazing as they change throughout out menstrual cycles, as well as during pregnancy. Changes in size, sensitivity, and color are all very common to notice while you are pregnant. With these changes, soreness is a common feeling most women experience as well. Today we are sharing the reason for those changes as well as some of our favorite tips to help be more comfortable as your body gears up for the birth of your baby.

Why So Sore?

As your body prepares for your baby to born, it is also preparing for lactation. The final push for preparing for lactation is the release of the placenta, but there is plenty of prep work done prior to birth. As the hormones begin shifting, you may notice physical changes to your breast. This can include changes in size, density, and color of areola. Inside your body, the hormones are at work are also changing the physical make up of your breast tissue. With all of these changes, it is only normal that your breasts feel so sore!

SO how do you help alleviate sore breasts during pregnancy??

Properly Fitting Bra

If you never been properly fitted for a bra, you are missing out. There are so many measurements they take, and so many different styles of bras available. Finding the one that fits your body is a wonderful feeling, and a very supported feeling as well! Properly fitting bras can provide the comfort and support sore, heavy, hormonal breasts need to be more comfortable. 

Warm Compresses

Warm compresses on or around your breasts are a great way to relax and alleviate some of the discomforts of these changes. Of course, you don’t want it too hot where your skin is left red and hot to the touch, but mellow warm compress can feel wonderful and really reduce some of the soreness. And since it is finally fall in North Carolina, a warm compress actually sounds like a good idea. 

Breast Massage

Whether you do the breast massage yourself, or you have our massage therapist come for an in-home breast massage add on to your prenatal massage, breast massage is a great way to feel better. Normally, you only hear about breast massage in terms of lactation to reduce clogged ducts, but in reality, breast massage can be done at any point. I mean think about, some of us, have pretty large breasts, and that is a good amount of tissue on our body that is not getting massaged during a typical massage therapy session. 

We hope these helped you find some comfort!

Let us know how we can help you further!