Pregnancy support

Provider Spotlight: Kyrsten Spurrier of The Perinatal Pelvis

Kyrsten Spurrier of The Perinatal Pelvis is a occupational therapist in Hillsborough, NC, that specializes in women’s pelvic floor health and wellness, specifically for those with pelvic floor dysfunction as a result of pregnancy or birth.

Pregnancy & Addiction: What You Should Know (Guest Blog)

Though alcohol and drugs are sometimes deemed socially acceptable in certain environments, addiction and abuse can have detrimental effects on the human body, especially during pregnancy. Even if illegal drug addiction is not the issue at hand, over-the counter and prescribed medications, tobacco or a mixed cocktail at dinner could adversely affect the development of the fetus.

Provider Spotlight: Women and Family Nutrition

I always thought I ate well: I enjoy cooking, I try to eat less meat, more vegetables, organic when I can, low sugar (mostly), but as I have learned about my fertility, I figured why not talk to a professional. Enter Pam Schoenfeld of Women and Family Nutrition!

5 Tips for Eating Healthy During Pregnancy (Guest Post)

Congratulations to you and your little bean! While you wait to hold your little one in your arms, we know you’ll be working hard to keep them comfortably warm and nourished.

That said, if you’re already parenting another child—or a few!—making time to eat well can be a task all on its own, more so if the sibling-to-be is an energetic toddler who is also a picky eater. Meanwhile, morning sickness (or indeed, any-time-of-day queasiness) might also be messing with your appetite, or simply, your ability to keep down your favorites.

Provider Spotlight: Vitality Physical Therapy

I recently chatted with Lori O’Neill of Vitality Physical Therapy in Chapel Hill, and in between show and tell of all our various teaching materials involving pelvises, my son jumping on the call to say Hi, and a few technical hiccups, we had a great conversation!

Safer Lipstick Suitable For Daily Wear

In honor of National Lipstick Day (July 29th), we wanted to show case the amazing, non-toxic lipsticks that are available from Beautycounter!

Provider Spotlight: Milestones Pediatric and Maternal Nutrition

Recently I connected with Kerry Jones of Milestones Pediatric & Maternal Nutrition, over Zoom to talk about all things women’s health. As a pediatric and maternal dietitian, she works with women in the preconception stage, as well as through pregnancy, the postpartum stage, and even helps with getting those picky toddlers to eat more than 2 foods.

Who's Who In The Birth Room

As you are getting ready to have your baby, it can be a little confusing to learn the various titles that may be present. Check out our blog to learn more!

Prenatal Breastfeeding Consultation with an IBCLC

Our International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) believe that the best breastfeeding support is the support that is right for you. We have clients who have varying degrees of goals relating to their breastfeeding journey or a concern that needs a but more guidance before the baby arrives. So, we offer prenatal consultations where our IBCLCs will travel to your home, and provide the support, guidance, and education that you need.

Sore Breasts During Pregnancy

Our breasts are pretty amazing as they change throughout out menstrual cycles, as well as during pregnancy. Changes in size, sensitivity, and color are all very common to notice while you are pregnant. With these changes, soreness is a common feeling most women experience as well. Today we are sharing the reason for those changes as well as some of our favorite tips to help be more comfortable as your body gears up for the birth of your baby.

Guest Blog: How Morning Sickness Can Affect Your Oral Health and How To Prevent It

Guest Blog by Dr. Amanda Tavoularis (

For many women, experiencing morning sickness can be one of the most unpleasant symptoms that accompanies their pregnancy. What’s worse, morning sickness can also lead to its own problems such as oral health issues. That’s why it’s important to deal with morning sickness, and take steps to prevent permanent damage to your teeth. As a dentist with 20 years of experience, I’ve spent the last two decades helping pregnant women keep their teeth protected from the dangers of morning sickness. I’ve put together my top tips for beating morning sickness while keeping your mouth healthy. 

Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids

There is no doubt in the fact that the problem of hemorrhoids can be quite aggravating for any patient. And for that, we would need to understand what hemorrhoids are in the first place?

Virtual Doula Support

And while some clients love to have that face to face support that they receive through our traditional Birth Doula Support, or our Postpartum Doula Support some have more specific needs. Those needs may not require that same physical presence at their birth. Because of that, we are officially launching our Virtual Doula Support.

Provider Spotlight: Whole Mama Yoga

A few months ago, we were lucky enough to take a Yoga for Doulas from Whole Mama Yoga. It was great for us to learn some basic poses that we could pass on to our clients, as well as a great time for us to enjoy a lovely afternoon of yoga with other Triangle area doulas.

Typical Structure of a Breast Massage Session

We are excited that we now are able to offer therapeutic breast massage to our breastfeeding clients.

Provider Spotlight: Triangle Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center

We have known Dr. Lindsay Mumma of Triangle Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center for a few years now, and love her approach to prenatal and postpartum care in the Triangle!

Common vs. Normal During Pregnancy

So often on Facebook and other social media sites, our birth doulas and postpartum doulas read questions from concerned pregnant folks or new parents asking various questions about if others experienced a similar issue during pregnancy, birth, and/or parenthood. However, we are reframing that question to: Is it common and is it also normal?

Why Even Have A Birth Plan?

Some say that having a birth plan sets up unrealistic ideals for your births. And while if you have rigid expectations, that may be true. However, we feel that writing the birth plan isn’t what is important.

Provider Spotlight: Kelly Raney, Pelvic Floor PT

We have had the privilege of knowing Kelly Raney, PT, DPT, CFm, PRPC of EmergeOrtho, for a few years now, and are so happy to have connected with her.