Peak fertility day

Tracking Your Luteinizing Hormone To Better Predict Ovulation

Today, we are going to focus on the follicular phase (days 1 through ovulation), and one of the main hormones at play to help determine when ovulation will happen, and that is understanding that role of Luteinizing hormone (LH)! This amazing hormone is released by in the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates the ovaries to release estradiol and release a mature follicle.

What Not To Say To Someone With Infertility

One of the most lovely awful parts of dealing with infertility is hearing the comments people like to give. Those comments hurt, they sting, and sometimes they down right make us angry. But, I do like to remind myself others do mean well when they give a suggestion, if it is incredibly hurtful.

Introduction to Cycle Charting

Learning about tracking your cycle is such an important part of not only understanding your reproductive health, but also your overall health. Our periods, ovulation and overall cycles are highly linked to physical, emotional, and hormonal changes within our bodies.