Conception Support

Provider Spotlight: Creative Conception, Inc

Parenthood looks different for each and everyone of our clients, and for that reason, we wanted to highlight a company this month helps parenthood dreams come true, Creative Conception, Inc.

Pregnancy & Addiction: What You Should Know (Guest Blog)

Though alcohol and drugs are sometimes deemed socially acceptable in certain environments, addiction and abuse can have detrimental effects on the human body, especially during pregnancy. Even if illegal drug addiction is not the issue at hand, over-the counter and prescribed medications, tobacco or a mixed cocktail at dinner could adversely affect the development of the fetus.

Provider Spotlight: Women and Family Nutrition

I always thought I ate well: I enjoy cooking, I try to eat less meat, more vegetables, organic when I can, low sugar (mostly), but as I have learned about my fertility, I figured why not talk to a professional. Enter Pam Schoenfeld of Women and Family Nutrition!

Best Holiday Gifts For Everyone On Your List

So yes, it is October and the only holiday we should be talking about is Halloween (don’t worry, my Halloween decorations have been up since mid September, no shame in that). But all rules are out in 2020, so let’s talk about the Holiday collection from Beautycounter!!

Impact of Stress on Our Physical and Emotional Health

Stress, either good or bad, has a huge impact on our bodies. Having the ability to have the appropriate hormonal responses to moments of stress is a protective measure, but then also being able to rid our bodies of that stress and the impact it had, has a restorative impact. The balance of these two is what keeps us in harmony. Yet, that harmony is not always intact when life happens.

Tracking Your Basal Body Temperature (BBT)

The body’s temperature can tell you so much about your health, but often times we think of the negative aspects of what a change in temperature can mean. If you have a fever, it could be a sign of infection that your body is trying to fight. Plus, if you are a parent, you know a temperature in an infant could mean that teething is coming (aka crying and trouble sleeping)! However, what about taking your temperature for your wellness?

Safer Lipstick Suitable For Daily Wear

In honor of National Lipstick Day (July 29th), we wanted to show case the amazing, non-toxic lipsticks that are available from Beautycounter!

Tracking Your Luteinizing Hormone To Better Predict Ovulation

Today, we are going to focus on the follicular phase (days 1 through ovulation), and one of the main hormones at play to help determine when ovulation will happen, and that is understanding that role of Luteinizing hormone (LH)! This amazing hormone is released by in the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates the ovaries to release estradiol and release a mature follicle.

Provider Spotlight: Milestones Pediatric and Maternal Nutrition

Recently I connected with Kerry Jones of Milestones Pediatric & Maternal Nutrition, over Zoom to talk about all things women’s health. As a pediatric and maternal dietitian, she works with women in the preconception stage, as well as through pregnancy, the postpartum stage, and even helps with getting those picky toddlers to eat more than 2 foods.

The Infertility Language

As you enter to the world of fertility issues and infertility struggles, it feels very overwhelming. No denying that. You are struggling with so many different emotions related to your body, your role as a person, your goals related to your family, the struggles that may be placed on your relationship, and so much more.

Introduction to Cycle Charting

Learning about tracking your cycle is such an important part of not only understanding your reproductive health, but also your overall health. Our periods, ovulation and overall cycles are highly linked to physical, emotional, and hormonal changes within our bodies.

Adjusting to Life With Two Kids

As you make the transition from one kid to two, there are definitely some major changes to your life. Yes, there is another little person to take care of and maybe a little less sleep for you. But, your heart grows and the love you feel for your first baby doesn’t change, you just double the amount of love for your new baby!

Back and Sacrum Massage During Fertility Massage Session

To end our fertility massage session, we will have you lay on your stomach so we can work your back and sacrum. This provides an excellent way to work the back of the body, and allow for the full body relaxation and therapeutic techniques to really sink in. 

Relaxing Neck and Shoulder Massage In Fertility Massage Session

One of the biggest conversations in fertility work is what came first, stress or fertility challenges? And while we cannot answer that, we know we can help reduce the stress of everyday life.

Fertility Specific Reflexology Session

Reflexology is a powerful massage tool provide valuable information about your body.

Therapeutic Abdominal Massage During a Fertility Massage Session

Stomach massage tends to be an area of the body most people are not comfortable having someone see, let alone let someone else touch it. And while we respect those decision, a therapeutic abdominal massage can be hugely beneficially for those trying to conceive.

Castor Oil Pack Application During a Fertility Massage

At the beginning of each fertility massage session, the first thing we will do is apply a castor oil pack to your abdominal area. Also included in the price of our first session is a self care kit including supples to do for your own castor oil packs at home!

Benefits of Fertility Massage

Where ever you are in your fertility journey, receiving a fertility massage can be very beneficially for your overall physical and mental health, as well as some great educational benefits!