Use of Kinesiology Taping After Massage Therapy Session

Use of Kinesiology Taping After Massage Therapy Session

We are excited to now offer Kinesiology taping as an addition to any in-home massage! Whether you need a little bit extra support, or you have a specific injury, Kinesiology taping is a wonderful addition to any one of our in-home massages for folks living in Raleigh, Durham, or Chapel Hill!

What is Kinesiology Taping? 

Kinesiology taping provides an extra level of support as muscles recover, while still allowing for a full range of motion. Unlike a splint that complete restricts movement to an injury area, kinesiology taping encourages movement in a support way to allow the muscle to heal. Kinesiology taping also lifts the fascia and skin away from the muscle to reduce pain from an injury while also allowing for lymphatic drainage and a reduction in inflammation to occur. The tape is very stretchy, usually stretching 120-180% of the original size to encourage movement, while still stabilizing the injured muscle. 

Who Can Benefit From Receiving Kinesiology Taping After a Massage?

Anyone! Taping is beneficial for those who have muscular issues, skeletal issues, lymphatic and circulation problems, joint misalignment and so much more! The benefits of kinesiology are numerous, as it can help with any sorts of inflammation that may occur from an injury, pain from an injury, protection for sore muscles, and stability during exercise or any movement. 

Kinesiology Taping During Pregnancy 

During pregnancy, muscles, joints, and even bones are shifting. These shifting movements can cause discomfort throughout the body. Kinesiology taping is great to help with gluteal and piriformis pain, lumbar spine pain, and even sacroiliac joint discomfort. Basically: that pain in you feel in your hips and lower back as your baby grows can be helped with kinesiology taping.

The taping provides extra support for your hips, pelvis, and lower back that help better position the muscles and ligaments. This extra support is beneficial as it gives your the body the structure needed to recover, but also still allowing good range of motion. 

Precautions and Contradictions for Kinesiology Taping

  • Fragile skin
  • Open wounds
  • Allergy to any products in tape or lubricant 

With any bodywork, it is always recommend to be in good communication with your medical team if you feel you may have a contraindication. With the tape being applied via a lubricant, and then directly to the skin, good skin quality is vital. Those with open wounds or fragile skin due to age or medication, should not receive a taping session. 

In-Home Massage + Kinesiology Taping = Happy Body!

Fill out our massage intake and we will contact you to schedule an in-home massage! And remember, we offer in-home Swedish massages, deep tissue massages, prenatal massages, labor stimulating massages and postpartum massages. Kinesiology taping can be adding on to each massage for an additional $10. Let us know if you have any questions!





Works Consulted

Gibbons, John. A Practical Guide to Kinesiology Taping. Lotus Publishing, 2014.