Intake For Vaginal Steaming 

The intake process for our yoni steaming sessions is a bit lengthy. We want to ensure that not only are you getting the correct length of time for your steam session, but that you are also getting the right herb formula as well as receiving the necessary at-home care tips to help keep feeling the benefits of the steam session.

Health History

chapel hill raleigh durham vaginal steaming

Before each steam session, we ask that all our clients fill out the health history and steaming consent form online when you book your appointment online. In that form, we are getting at any contraindications that you may have, your goals for the steam session, and any other objective information that may be important for us to know prior to steaming.

Subjective Intake

Usually, the first time people receive an in-home yoni steam session, there is a reason. And usually the reason isn’t necessarily positive. Our steam specialist, doula, and massage therapist who conducts these steam sessions has extensive knowledge on many aspects of women’s health, and will happily sit and process the reasons behind your intention for requesting a session. 

Safety Tips

Because we are dealing with steaming hot water, the risk for injury is present. We go over how to properly sit on our steaming chair, how to adjust the temperature, and what the temperature should be. For your reference, the steam should never burn or feel uncomfortable. While we want the steam to feel warm on your body, we never want it to burn you or for you to just deal with the discomfort! This is a relaxing experience and should feel good!

At Home Care

yoni vaginal steaming chapel hill durham raleigh

While we are setting up the session, we will also be going over at home care that you can be doing to help reach your wellness goals. This may be talking about your overall health, your menstrual cycle, how you are hoping to conceive the next cycle, or how you will aid in your postpartum recovery. Often the first step after any steaming session is to sit and drink some hot tea!

We hope this helps you get an idea of the intake process for yoni steaming to aid in your overall womb wellness!