
Winter Must Haves For Everyone of Your Gift Buying List

Finally, finally, the weather for the best season feels right! With a freeze warning last week, changing leaves, and shorter days, it can only mean one thing: It is time to start gift buying for everyone on your list!

Beautycounter released some of the the Best Holiday Gifts in October, and now, the remaining gift sets! These are perfect for everyone on your list:

Provider Spotlight: Vitality Physical Therapy

I recently chatted with Lori O’Neill of Vitality Physical Therapy in Chapel Hill, and in between show and tell of all our various teaching materials involving pelvises, my son jumping on the call to say Hi, and a few technical hiccups, we had a great conversation!

What Does Chiropractic Treatment for Back Pain Involve (Guest Post)

If you’ve ever been to a chiropractor you probably don’t know what a visit would be like. You may not even know exactly what a chiropractor does or the tactics they use. The fact is that, whether your back pain is nonspecific, the result of pregnancy, some sort of strain, or an injury, a doctor of chiropractic can probably help you. This article will explain it all as we focus on the question: what does chiropractic treatment for back pain involve?

Tracking Your Basal Body Temperature (BBT)

The body’s temperature can tell you so much about your health, but often times we think of the negative aspects of what a change in temperature can mean. If you have a fever, it could be a sign of infection that your body is trying to fight. Plus, if you are a parent, you know a temperature in an infant could mean that teething is coming (aka crying and trouble sleeping)! However, what about taking your temperature for your wellness?

Oxytocin: Benefits Beyond Just Contractions

Oxytocin is a powerful hormone produced in the hypothalamus and secreted by the pituitary gland. It is commonly associated with childbirth and postpartum bonding, but there is much more to it! This powerful hormone has many other amazing benefits and should be recognized for not only during the birth and postpartum period, but also all stages of life for both women and men.

How Hormonal Imbalances Impact Skin Appearance

So our skin makes up about 22 pounds of our bodies, and can cover almost 22 square feet if it was flattened out. Obviously, that is a huge amount of our bodies, but how much attention is really paid to the care and wellbeing of the skin?

Provider Spotlight: Current Wellness

One of the best parts of living in our area is we have some amazing people with amazing ideas who start amazing businesses that are so relevant to the times and to the location in which they are building. A perfect example of all these characteristics is Brit Guerin of The Current Wellness.

Signs of Uterine Fatigue 

The uterus is an amazing muscle. Not only can it grow to 500 times it normal size during pregnancy, it is a self-cleaning and self-regulating organ that intentionally sheds it’s line every month. It can weigh only a few ounces to over two pounds depending on the stage of life a woman is in. Plus, not only can it help support making a human, it can (repeatedly) make an entirely new organ inside of it (the placenta!)

Gentle Herbs for Vaginal Steaming

Our gentle herb formula for yoni steaming is a relaxing blend of herbs that is intended to help with bleeding issues. By closing the blood vessels, these herbs are said to prevent unwanted bleeding. This unwanted bleeding can be for those with shorter than average menstrual cycles or those who experience spotting or bleeding between periods.

Cooling Herbs for Vaginal Steaming

The cooling herbs formula is a relaxing selections of herbs intended to cool and moisture while steaming. While it seems contradictory that a steaming session would be cooling, the herbs selected for this formula have cooling properties that provide moisture for wonderful vaginal steaming session. 

Disinfecting Herbs for Vaginal Steaming

Our disinfecting herb formula is a great way for those who have irregular vaginal discharge and infections to naturally reduce those symptoms. Since the uterus and vagina are self-cleaning organs, your body will be trying to clear anything already, but using the disinfecting herb formula can aid in that process. 

Cleansing Herbs For Vaginal Steaming

One of our herb combinations is the Cleansing Herbs. These have our universal formula that provides disinfecting herbs, moisturizing herbs, relaxing herbs, replenishing herbs, and cleaning herbs. The cleansing combination has all of the aforementioned herbs, but an extra dose of the cleansing herbs.

Yoni Steaming Set Up

The actual set up of the steam session is relaxing and calming, and a great way to help provide some much needed self care.

Intake For Vaginal Steaming 

The intake process for our yoni steaming sessions is a bit lengthy. We want to ensure that not only are you getting the correct length of time for your steam session, but that you are also getting the right herb formula as well as receiving the necessary at-home care tips to help keep feeling the benefits of the steam session.

Benefits of Yoni Steaming 

We just love yoni steaming, and think the benefits are just fantastic! Below are some of the positive and cleansing benefits of regular steaming. We certainly hope you experience as many of these during your steam sessions!

Provider Spotlight: Verve Holistic Health, Dr. Brooke Sellers

Physical wellness and taking care of your body are very important to us both as individuals and as a business. The better you care for your body, they better it can perform daily functions. Part of the way that we love taking care of ourselves is visiting chiropractors for alignments and better over function.

Health Fair Planning Guide

Health fairs are growing in popularity around the Triangle as businesses are appreciating that employee wellness translate to business wellness. Below are a few of favorite ideas for helping your event be a success!

Provider Spotlight: Amb Day Spa

Recently, we had the pleasure of visiting Annette at Amb Day Spa in Cary for a first for us: receiving a Yoni Steam! Also known as vaginal steams, we both approached the experience open minded and excited to feel some of the benefits that we had heard so much about!