Oxytocin: Benefits Beyond Just Contractions

Oxytocin is a powerful hormone produced in the hypothalamus and secreted by the pituitary gland. It is commonly associated with childbirth and postpartum bonding, but there is much more to it! This powerful hormone has many other amazing benefits and should be recognized for not only during the birth and postpartum period, but also all stages of life for both women and men. 

Production of Oxytocin 

The production of oxytocin is triggered through:

  • Activation of Sensory Nerves Through Tactile stimulation: Touch is one of the best ways to stimulate oxytocin production as the skin the largest organ with the most sensory receptors.

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This touch can be the simple act of holding hands, or receiving a massage, or a more physical act of touch through sexual activity.

  • Presence of Estrogen: This is most specifically related to childbirth and labor when estrogen levels are at the highest levels of a women’s life. However, through a women’s cycle, estrogen hits two high points one being right around ovulation, and the other being in the mid luteal phase. However, due to hormonal imbalance, estrogen may not be making these two peaks, which in turn that can decrease the amount of oxytocin the body, so monitoring and balancing your hormones is very important. 

  • Food Intake: Yup, I just gave your permission to eat your favorite meal as oxytocin meal is released through activation of the touch fibers in the oral cavity and the release of hormones in the small intestines. 

  • Other senses of the body: Your senses are powerful, and the emotional connection between sight and smell specifically can trigger the production and release of oxytocin just by seeing a picture of a loved one or smelling a scent familiar to a happy memory. Furthermore, hearing particular sounds, specifically for nursing mothers can trigger the release of oxytocin and the milk production. 

Benefits of Oxytocin

Through these various forms of stimulation, oxytocin has profound effects on social interaction, emotional bonding, and long term health benefits. Oxytocin’s benefits include:

  • Positive effects on social interaction including increased maternal care behavior, bonding, and stimulates dopamine functions 

  • Promotes attachement 

  • Facilitates learning and recognition 

  • Calming or sedative effect 

  • Less fearful and more explorative in new environments 

  • Increased pain threshold 

  • Decreased cortisol levels 

  • Positive impact on blood pressure 

  • Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system 

  • Increase of glucagon activation 

The long term effects of repeated exposure to oxytocin are similar to the above short term benefits, but on a larger scale. The immediate increased pain threshold and decreased cortisol levels, has profound impacts on gastrointestinal function, mood and wellbeing for individuals. 

More Than Just Birth and Postpartum

The goal of this blog is to show that the production and release of oxytocin should be considered a priority throughout all stages of the life as the benefits are systematic and profound for the entire body.

Yet, in times of stress, many individuals tend to pull away from the stimulation around oxytocin production because they are too busy, too tired, too whatever to find time for finding the simple enjoyments of everyday life.

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Specifically for those facing something stressful such an infertility or life during a pandemic, the presence of oxytocin is something that we should strive for on a daily basis.

Everyday Ways to Release Oxytocin 

  • Hug your partner for 30 seconds to engage the sensory nerves on your skin. Get that tactile experience going by making meaningful touch contact with your partner.

  • Mindfully eat meals and pay attention to the food smells and taste. Really notice the smell in the air, the taste in your mouth, and the concentrate on the act of chewing to engage as many senses as possible.

  • Spend time in your home looking at pictures of past adventures. Find those picture that bring up particularly amazing memories and spend time remembering how you felt during that time.

  • Be around smells that remind you of a pleasant memory. Maybe that is waking in the woods, or wandering around your garden, but simple smells that bring back good memories can have a power effect on the production of oxytocin.

  • Give your baby, self, dog, or partner a massage. During our current time, it may not be possible to see your favorite massage therapist, but that does mean that you cannot still give or a receive an in-home massage!

So go out, get the oxytocin flowing, and feel those amazing benefits!


Moberg Kerstin Uvnäs. Oxytocin: the Biological Guide to Motherhood. Hale Publishing, L.P., 2015.