Stress relief

Why It’s Important to Have Enough Comfort in Your Everyday Life

These days, there’s a lot of pressure to be as productive and successful as possible – and to ensure that you are going after major goals, pursuing your dreams, and “seizing the day” in as many different ways as possible.

One consequence of this “hustle culture” ethos of always maximizing productivity is that it can be pretty easy to end up burning out, and to come to view everyday comforts and luxuries as somehow gratuitous, irresponsible, and overly self-indulgent.

Impact of Stress on Our Physical and Emotional Health

Stress, either good or bad, has a huge impact on our bodies. Having the ability to have the appropriate hormonal responses to moments of stress is a protective measure, but then also being able to rid our bodies of that stress and the impact it had, has a restorative impact. The balance of these two is what keeps us in harmony. Yet, that harmony is not always intact when life happens.

Oxytocin: Benefits Beyond Just Contractions

Oxytocin is a powerful hormone produced in the hypothalamus and secreted by the pituitary gland. It is commonly associated with childbirth and postpartum bonding, but there is much more to it! This powerful hormone has many other amazing benefits and should be recognized for not only during the birth and postpartum period, but also all stages of life for both women and men.

Relaxing Neck and Shoulder Massage In Fertility Massage Session

One of the biggest conversations in fertility work is what came first, stress or fertility challenges? And while we cannot answer that, we know we can help reduce the stress of everyday life.

Fertility Specific Reflexology Session

Reflexology is a powerful massage tool provide valuable information about your body.

Postpartum Depression and Massage Therapy: Exploring the Connection

Massage therapy promotes relaxation, feelings of calmness and well-being, reduces pains and aches, and helps you sleep better – all of which can be beyond helpful during the postpartum period.

How To Treat Yourself If You’re a Busy Mom

Families are busier than ever these days. Statistics confirm it. If you’re a mom, odds are good you don’t have a lot of free time to focus on your needs. Maybe you’re trying to figure out things like how to get kids to eat vegetables without a fight, get everyone to their activities on time, and finish your own work. No matter what you’re trying to balance, chances are good that there’s a lot going on.

Benefits of Regular Chair Massage in the Workplace 

Benefits of Regular Chair Massage in the Workplace 

The benefits of receiving any massage, be it on a massage table or in a massage chair, at a spa or at your workplace, are numerous. We believe that regular massage is a wonderful way to not only improve tension and discomfort in your body, but also decrease stress and anxiety. 

Incorporating Dry Brushing into Your Self Care Routine 

Incorporating Dry Brushing into Your Self Care Routine 

Dry brushing is a wonderful addition to a massage therapy session, or as a way to incorporate a daily dose of self care into your daily routine.

Hot Stone Massage

Hot Stone Massage

A hot stone massage is a wonderful way to treat yourself on a chilly day, but it also a very therapeutic massage intended to provide deep heat to stubborn muscles. 

Fear, Stress, and PTSD in the Birth Room

Fear, Stress, and PTSD in the Birth Room

While we all would like a perfect, calm, and amazing birth experience, sometimes that is just not possible. And that does not make your experience abnormal or wrong, as admitting that fear and stress can be normal emotions and denying that fact is what is not recommended.

Benefits of Having a Postpartum Massage

Benefits of Having a Postpartum Massage

A postpartum massage is vital piece in postpartum supportto both welcome you into parenthood, as well as aiding in your recovery from birth and pregnancy.  The physical benefits of decreased muscular tension, balancing of hormones, and decreased fluid retention related to swelling, and the emotional benefits of relaxation and stress reduction are key factors in a healthy postpartum recovery.