Self care

7 Easy Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health 

A lot of people avoid are talking about mental health. The reasons could vary; some think of it as a stigma while others don’t believe in it. Regardless of what they think or say, mental health is as important as your physical wellbeing.

Imagine feeling low and sad all the time; how does that feel? What if you hear someone talking when really there’s nobody around? It sounds scary, eh? Think about having flashbacks of a traumatic event over and over? That’s the summary of your mental health.

Provider Spotlight: Vitality Physical Therapy

I recently chatted with Lori O’Neill of Vitality Physical Therapy in Chapel Hill, and in between show and tell of all our various teaching materials involving pelvises, my son jumping on the call to say Hi, and a few technical hiccups, we had a great conversation!

Oxytocin: Benefits Beyond Just Contractions

Oxytocin is a powerful hormone produced in the hypothalamus and secreted by the pituitary gland. It is commonly associated with childbirth and postpartum bonding, but there is much more to it! This powerful hormone has many other amazing benefits and should be recognized for not only during the birth and postpartum period, but also all stages of life for both women and men.

How Hormonal Imbalances Impact Skin Appearance

So our skin makes up about 22 pounds of our bodies, and can cover almost 22 square feet if it was flattened out. Obviously, that is a huge amount of our bodies, but how much attention is really paid to the care and wellbeing of the skin?

Realistic New Years Resolutions for New Moms

New Years Resolutions are great and all, but how many times how many of you made a resolution to do something you *wanted* to do, but it just wasn’t reasonable? 

🙋‍♀️Me. I have done it.

Realistic Self Care for New Parents

Self care is important, but sometimes not attainable for new parents. Today we are talking about realistic self care.

Cleansing Herbs For Vaginal Steaming

One of our herb combinations is the Cleansing Herbs. These have our universal formula that provides disinfecting herbs, moisturizing herbs, relaxing herbs, replenishing herbs, and cleaning herbs. The cleansing combination has all of the aforementioned herbs, but an extra dose of the cleansing herbs.

Benefits of Yoni Steaming 

We just love yoni steaming, and think the benefits are just fantastic! Below are some of the positive and cleansing benefits of regular steaming. We certainly hope you experience as many of these during your steam sessions!

How To Treat Yourself If You’re a Busy Mom

Families are busier than ever these days. Statistics confirm it. If you’re a mom, odds are good you don’t have a lot of free time to focus on your needs. Maybe you’re trying to figure out things like how to get kids to eat vegetables without a fight, get everyone to their activities on time, and finish your own work. No matter what you’re trying to balance, chances are good that there’s a lot going on.

Anatomy of the Breast

Here’s a sad truth: most women know nothing about their breasts. Complete transparent, I was one of those women.

Self Massage Techniques To Do At Your Desk

When’s the last time that you suffered some stress at work? Raise your hand if it was today.

Provider Spotlight: Whole Mama Yoga

A few months ago, we were lucky enough to take a Yoga for Doulas from Whole Mama Yoga. It was great for us to learn some basic poses that we could pass on to our clients, as well as a great time for us to enjoy a lovely afternoon of yoga with other Triangle area doulas.

Typical Structure of a Breast Massage Session

We are excited that we now are able to offer therapeutic breast massage to our breastfeeding clients.

Pressure of Breast Massage to Support Lactation

When you have knot in a muscle, what feels so wonderful is a massage therapist to dig her elbow into that sore spot until you feel some relief. And when you have a clogged duct, the same logic should apply, right? You may be surprised about that answer!

Planning Appointment With Your Postpartum Doulas 

Planning Appointment With Your Postpartum Doulas 

All postpartum doula clients, whether you just need one overnight, or a full 40 hours a week of support, are offered a postpartum planning appointment to allow both doulas and your family to share expectations, goals, and concerns about having a newborn. 

Can’t My Husband/Sister/Mom Be My Doula?

Can’t My Husband/Sister/Mom Be My Doula?

Family is wonderful for many things during pregnancy and parenthood. But being your doula is not one of those things!

What Exactly Does a Doula Do?

What Exactly Does a Doula Do?

The Doulas at Carolina Birth and Wellness provide continuous support for families in Chapel Hill, Raleigh, Durham, and surrounding areas during pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period.

DIY PADsicles for Postpartum Comfort 

DIY PADsicles for Postpartum Comfort 

A PADsicle! What? A popsicle? NO! A PADsicle. That’s right we are talking about the FAMOUS PADsicle today.