Safer Self Care at Home: Beautycounter Charcoal Mask

At this stage of 2020, we are all trying to do what feels good for our bodies, minds, and spirits. Yet, so often our mental health is being neglected due to everything else we have on our minds. However, this month, let’s try to change that! Mental health self care can be simple things like saying “No” more often when things don’t feel right, but it can also be taking 10 minutes to yourself to do something that feels good.

So, I challenge you to revisit our 5 minutes of self care for new parents, but instead of 5 minutes, change it to 10 minutes and make your activity for those 10 minutes caring for your skin with the better for you Counter+ Charcoal Facial Mask from Beautycounter!

face mask for hormone health

What Makes This Mask So Great

This mask is a made from nutrient-rich kaolin clay and contains activated charcoal that is perfect for all skin types, and specifically those concerned with excess oil and congestion. The activated charcoal absorbs that excess oil while the salicylic and lactic acids provide a gentle exfoliation, perfect for polishing and smoothing skin out with minimal irritation and maximum effect of reducing the appearance of pores.

Plus, like all Beautycounter products, all ingredients are have passed the rigorous Ingredients Selection process to be sure that none of the over 1,800 chemicals on the Never List are in our skin products. This means you are not putting PEGS and parabens on the largest organ of your body, and not allowing known endocrine disruptors to get in your system and impact your hormonal health.

Immediate and Lasting Results

Immediately after you wash the mask off your face, you will notice that you skin feels instantly better. Your skin will feel smoother, look more even, and have less excess oil on your skin. The best part? These are not just fleeting benefits! Most users reporting have lasting effects of the mask and love using it a few times a week for a boost in their skin care routine and as a reminder to slow down a bit!

At Home Care

The Charcoal Mask is not only fun to wear and great for your skin, it is also a simple way you can say YES to yourself and YES to your care. Plus, the kiddos love getting involved. So why not make it a family spa night? Or register for a virtual spa party with us to have some contact with people you are not related to for a change of pace!

face mask for fertility

So we hope you take some time for yourself this month to improve your mental health, improve your skins health, and start using safer beauty products from Beautycounter!