When You Hire Carolina Birth and Wellness As Your Doulas 

When You Hire Carolina Birth and Wellness As Your Doulas 

At Carolina Birth and Wellness we believe the only way to have continuous and complete birth support is through our unique team approach. When you hire us as your doulas, you can rest assured that even though birth can start anytime, the doula that attends will be someone you have met before and have a strong relationship with! 

Team of Doulas

This team approach is vital for your complete birth support. When working in a team, you have two well-trained experienced doulas that are bringing a wealth of knowledge and support to the table. Furthermore, with having two doulas, you know that if your birth goes longer than planned, you will always have a rested doula ready to support you. 

Reliable Doulas in Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill That Show Up…

When you hire us as your doulas, you can have peace of mind that we will show up to support you no matter what. Whether you are in Raleigh or Hillsborough, North Hills or Holly Springs, our doulas are there for you when you need us!

…When Your Water Breaks

Whenever you water breaks, your doulas are a phone call away to join you at your home or birthing location, whatever feels right. We can help you decide the next steps, and also when you need to contact your medical team. And we will be there to ask questions about what it actually looks like when your water breaks.

…When You Have Breastfeeding Questions

Our doulas are trained in help you in latch issues, engorgement, and various nursing positions to help you to have the best feeding experience possible for both you and your baby. If your questions are out of our scope, we can direct you to some amazing Lactation consultants.

…When You Need Some Support!

Our doulas are experienced in working with all types of clients in all types of situations, so you can be sure that when you hire us as your doulas in the Triangle area, you are getting doulas that support you, your partner, and your choices!

Complete Support for All Clients

The teamwork approach we take at Carolina Birth and Wellness leaves our all of our doula clients, placenta encapsulation clients, and even massage therapy clients feeling completely supported. It is also sustainable for us as doulas so that we can continue providing support for many years to come. Your team of doulas are well-versed in teamwork, they communicate extremely well together so that each are always apprised at any updates or ways to best support you and your family.

We hope you fall in love with this team approach just as we have, it truly is the only way to have continuous and complete birth support. When you are ready to talk, we are just a click away!