
Don’t Let Your Disability Interfere with Raising a Child

Everyone needs a challenge. Without one, you would never learn, grow stronger, or feel the satisfaction of a job well done. Now you’re headed for the biggest one of your life: being a parent. However, your condition shouldn’t interfere in raising your child as best as you can. Why should it?

Daytime Activities To Do With A Newborn

During the early weeks of having your baby home, you may find it can be hard to find age appropriate activities for a newborn. Plus, it may not be appealing for you to leave the house, so finding home-bound activities is a must. Our postpartum doulas love teaching these simple and easy newborn-specific activities!

Virtual Doula Support

And while some clients love to have that face to face support that they receive through our traditional Birth Doula Support, or our Postpartum Doula Support some have more specific needs. Those needs may not require that same physical presence at their birth. Because of that, we are officially launching our Virtual Doula Support.

How to Know Baby is Getting Enough to Eat

One of the biggest concerns for all new parents, well actually all parents in general, is how do you know if your child is getting enough to eat?

Pressure of Breast Massage to Support Lactation

When you have knot in a muscle, what feels so wonderful is a massage therapist to dig her elbow into that sore spot until you feel some relief. And when you have a clogged duct, the same logic should apply, right? You may be surprised about that answer!

Provider Spotlight: Triangle Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center

We have known Dr. Lindsay Mumma of Triangle Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center for a few years now, and love her approach to prenatal and postpartum care in the Triangle!

Common Nipple Issues While Breastfeeding 

One of the most common concerns we hear from our breastfeeding clients is about the status of their nipples! From cracked and bloody, to flat and sore, we hear it all. The most important thing to remember: your nipples should not hurt while breastfeeding or pumping!

Common vs. Normal During Pregnancy

So often on Facebook and other social media sites, our birth doulas and postpartum doulas read questions from concerned pregnant folks or new parents asking various questions about if others experienced a similar issue during pregnancy, birth, and/or parenthood. However, we are reframing that question to: Is it common and is it also normal?

Optimizing Feedings With A Newborn PLUS Printable Feeding Log

When you have a newborn, the consistent worry of making sure your baby is getting enough to eat is completely normal! Whether you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding, the key to feeling confident about having a fed baby is optimizing each and every feeding. Below are a few of our favorite tips:

Mantras for Parenthood

We often talk with our birth doula clients about using affirmations and mantras to help with the birth process as they can be extremely helpful to cope. And in the same light, using affirmations as a new parent can be encouraging. Here are a few of our favorites:

Spinach Smoothie with Chocolate

This smoothie is packed with important nutrients and tastes great too!

Entertaining a Toddler While Nursing a Newborn

Learning about your new baby and how to nurse can be challenging enough, but also dealing with a busy toddler AND nursing a newborn? Well, that is when the Mom Superpowers really show.

Tips for Dealing with Unhelpful Family Members

Everyone gets excited to see a new baby, it is just natural. You should see the way my head whips around when a baby rolls by in a stroller. But sometimes, new parents don’t want those extra visitors coming to their home, even if it those visitors have the best intentions.

Infant Behavioral States 

Just like you, infants sometimes are not in the mood for certain activities. While they cannot verbalize that, parents, babysitters, and other guardians begin to notice signs of what the baby is feeling. 

Postpartum Toolkit + Free Printable 

Planning for a new baby is full of unknowns. Will your baby sleep? Will you sleep? Will your baby eat? Will you feel like yourself? And so many more questions that you won’t know the answer to until your baby arrives. 

First Rule of Parenting: Never Say Never

First Rule of Parenting: Never Say Never

While you are pregnant, every new parent starts to think about how they will parent, and make a lot of statements about how they will never let their future children do certain things. We are all guilty of it.

What’s Your Goal For Today? 

What’s Your Goal For Today? 

We approach each client at each postpartum doula shift with a clean slate. We do not have any opinions about what should, or what should not be done, by the parent, or what should or should not be expected from the baby. We do, however, always start the shift with the same simple question: What is your goal for today?

Making Returning to Work, Work 

Making Returning to Work, Work 

Whether you are going back to work at 6 weeks, 6 months, or even a year, there are always some adjustments. Parents that continue to breastfeed while working certainly face a few different obstacles, but we believe if you develop a sustainable plan prior to a big event, you are more likely to succeed.