Body work

Provider Spotlight: Jenna Somich

For our clients, one of the emails thats we send out is about body care and the importance of movement, and we strongly believe it is important! Now, I am not talking couch to Crossfit, but walking is great! But you know what is even better? Working with a personal trainer who knows the pregnant and postpartum body through advanced education and training. And that person is Jenna Somich!

Provider Spotlight: Verve Holistic

Verve Holistic Health is an integrative health practice that cares for families with true health in mind. We treat all people for a broad array of issues with our core focus on Women and Children. Fertility, pregnancy, postpartum care, breastfeeding and other women centered issues are our true passions. By taking the time to really discover the unique aspects of your health history, we are able to formulate a complete method for your plan of care. You will never feel rushed during your appointments at Verve. Additionally, the practitioners meet to coordinate care for our practice members to best meet your specific needs.

Provider Spotlight: Verve Holistic Health, Dr. Brooke Sellers

Physical wellness and taking care of your body are very important to us both as individuals and as a business. The better you care for your body, they better it can perform daily functions. Part of the way that we love taking care of ourselves is visiting chiropractors for alignments and better over function.

Benefits of Regular Chair Massage in the Workplace 

Benefits of Regular Chair Massage in the Workplace 

The benefits of receiving any massage, be it on a massage table or in a massage chair, at a spa or at your workplace, are numerous. We believe that regular massage is a wonderful way to not only improve tension and discomfort in your body, but also decrease stress and anxiety. 

Hot Stone Massage

Hot Stone Massage

A hot stone massage is a wonderful way to treat yourself on a chilly day, but it also a very therapeutic massage intended to provide deep heat to stubborn muscles.