North Carolina

Transporting Your Placenta from the Hospital or Birth Center to Your Home

Transporting Your Placenta from the Hospital or Birth Center to Your Home

We provide a Placenta Transport Kit that follows the WHO guidelines for transporting organs. Just another way we hold ourselves to the highest standards in the industry. 

A Beginners Guide to Prenatal Massage

A Beginners Guide to Prenatal Massage

We get a lot of questions about how our prenatal massages feel and compare to a regular Swedish or Deep Tissue Massage.  Our go-to answer: wonderful and completely different.  Below we answer a few of our commonly asked questions.

Delivering at The Birth Place at Duke Regional

Delivering at The Birth Place at Duke Regional

The Birthing Place at Duke Regional Hospital is a smaller hospital in North Durham that is perfect for those who like the idea of hospital birth, but still want a more personalized experience. 

3 Common Reasons for Hip Pain During Pregnancy

3 Common Reasons for Hip Pain During Pregnancy

Understanding the three main causes of pain in the low back, hips, legs and feet is important in learning how to utilize better self care as well as how a massage therapist can assist you to have less daily pain.

Sense-able Birth Bag: Part 5 - Hearing

Sense-able Birth Bag: Part 5 - Hearing

"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain" -Bob Marley

Okay, maybe not NO pain, but let's see how music can enhance your birth experience, how exactly you can make sure you bring the appropriate music for YOU and help you learn how to make your own (positive) sounds.