Mindful parenting

7 Easy Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health 

A lot of people avoid are talking about mental health. The reasons could vary; some think of it as a stigma while others don’t believe in it. Regardless of what they think or say, mental health is as important as your physical wellbeing.

Imagine feeling low and sad all the time; how does that feel? What if you hear someone talking when really there’s nobody around? It sounds scary, eh? Think about having flashbacks of a traumatic event over and over? That’s the summary of your mental health.

Guest Blog: Mindfulness Exercises For The "New Normal"

The holidays are upon us and so (at times) is stress, anxiety, and a bit of chaos. To limit unwarranted emotions from impacting your pregnancy, we encourage you to incorporate mindfulness exercises into your daily routine. Mindfulness activities can positively prepare you for the stressors of life and labor.

Impact of Stress on Our Physical and Emotional Health

Stress, either good or bad, has a huge impact on our bodies. Having the ability to have the appropriate hormonal responses to moments of stress is a protective measure, but then also being able to rid our bodies of that stress and the impact it had, has a restorative impact. The balance of these two is what keeps us in harmony. Yet, that harmony is not always intact when life happens.

Realistic New Years Resolutions for New Moms

New Years Resolutions are great and all, but how many times how many of you made a resolution to do something you *wanted* to do, but it just wasn’t reasonable? 

🙋‍♀️Me. I have done it.

Provider Spotlight: Current Wellness

One of the best parts of living in our area is we have some amazing people with amazing ideas who start amazing businesses that are so relevant to the times and to the location in which they are building. A perfect example of all these characteristics is Brit Guerin of The Current Wellness.

Mantras for Parenthood

We often talk with our birth doula clients about using affirmations and mantras to help with the birth process as they can be extremely helpful to cope. And in the same light, using affirmations as a new parent can be encouraging. Here are a few of our favorites: