Hospital birth

Childbirth Refresher Class

For individuals that have given birth before, most childbirth classes can be very repetitive. And that is nothing against the class or the instructor, but first time parents and second time parents have different questions and would like different information!

The First Time Parent's Guide to Childbirth Education

As a first time parent, you are often faced with the idea that you should take childbirth education classes, but you have no idea where to take them or when to take them! Then once you figure out those details, you have no idea about what you are learning! Everyone has different and unique needs, and a standard one size fits all class approach isn’t always what you need.

Who's Who In The Birth Room

As you are getting ready to have your baby, it can be a little confusing to learn the various titles that may be present. Check out our blog to learn more!

Complimentary Phone Consultation with IBCLC

One of our goals at Carolina Birth and Wellness is to offer complete support every step of the way during pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period. So when we brought two International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) onto our team and launched our lactation program, we knew we also had to make this support expand to pregnancy.

IVs During Labor

In our first prenatal appointment with all of our doula clients, we spend time talk about everyones birth preferences. And for those who are hoping for an unmedicated birth, having an IV is not high on their list of desires. 

Questions To Ask On A Doula Interview

During our years of meeting potential clients, we have been asked some great questions about why we are the ideal birth and postpartum doulas for you in the Triangle area.

Why Even Have A Birth Plan?

Some say that having a birth plan sets up unrealistic ideals for your births. And while if you have rigid expectations, that may be true. However, we feel that writing the birth plan isn’t what is important.

Pregnancy, Birth, and Having a Newborn During A Power Outage

Whether you are (fast) approaching your estimated date of delivery, have a newborn, or just have little kids, the possibility of Hurricane Frances hitting Raleigh in the next few days is a bit scary!

Decoding the APGAR Test For Newborn Babies

The test is divided into 5 sections with each section receiving a score of 0 to 2. It is to help determine if the newborn needs immediate medical attention, but not to predict long-term health issues.

Affirmations for Labor and Delivery

A popular way we support our birth clients is through verbal affirmations during labor and delivery.

Tips For Birthing A Posterior Baby

You may have read about or seen in your ultrasound that a baby can be posterior, and that news can sometimes be not exactly what you want to hear. However, our birth doulas are well trained in how to provide physical support prenatally and during birth to help, while also are able to direct you to other resources that may help. 

Power of Breath

Sometimes we take breathing for granted, because, well, we normally don’t think about it. However, we are challenging you to really notice your breath.

Doula Support During Birth

But what exactly do we do in the birth room while you are laboring and pushing? The short answer is: whatever you need!

What To Do With Your Placenta After Birth

Birth is commonly divided into 3 stages: labor, pushing, and placenta delivery. So often the first two stages are well researched, but the third stage can be overlooked. Not today!

Provider Spotlight: Hanna Hill Photography 

A few months ago, we had the pleasure to meet Hanna of Hanna Hill Photography, and we knew after that first meeting she truly is not only a wonderful photographer and artist, but also person.

Two Prenatal Appointments with Your Birth Doulas 

Two Prenatal Appointments with Your Birth Doulas 

For each birth doula client, we offer two prenatal appointments. This gives us a great time to learn about you, and for you to learn about us

Am I In Labor?

Am I In Labor?

Probably the single most common question we get from our clients during our first prenatal appointment is “how will I know if I’m in labor?”

What’s (Not) In Our Doula Bags

What’s (Not) In Our Doula Bags

Doulas can be known for having a bag of tricks we bring to each bring. Are you picturing a clown car of comfort measures? Well, not so much. 

So, I Had a Cesarean Birth, Now What?

So, I Had a Cesarean Birth, Now What?

Whether your cesarean birth was planned or unplanned, recovering from a cesarean birth is a little different than recovering from a vaginal birth. The recovery can be a bit longer, with a more limitations, but with a little planning and some extra support, you will do amazing. 

5 Ways to Rock Your Cesarean Birth

5 Ways to Rock Your Cesarean Birth

It’s the big day! Your baby is about to be born! Below are a few of our favorite ways to rock the birth experience on the day of your planned cesarean!