Raleigh postpartum doula

Realistic Self Care for New Parents

Self care is important, but sometimes not attainable for new parents. Today we are talking about realistic self care.

Virtual Doula Support

And while some clients love to have that face to face support that they receive through our traditional Birth Doula Support, or our Postpartum Doula Support some have more specific needs. Those needs may not require that same physical presence at their birth. Because of that, we are officially launching our Virtual Doula Support.

How to Know Baby is Getting Enough to Eat

One of the biggest concerns for all new parents, well actually all parents in general, is how do you know if your child is getting enough to eat?

Questions To Ask On A Doula Interview

During our years of meeting potential clients, we have been asked some great questions about why we are the ideal birth and postpartum doulas for you in the Triangle area.

Common vs. Normal During Pregnancy

So often on Facebook and other social media sites, our birth doulas and postpartum doulas read questions from concerned pregnant folks or new parents asking various questions about if others experienced a similar issue during pregnancy, birth, and/or parenthood. However, we are reframing that question to: Is it common and is it also normal?

Optimizing Feedings With A Newborn PLUS Printable Feeding Log

When you have a newborn, the consistent worry of making sure your baby is getting enough to eat is completely normal! Whether you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding, the key to feeling confident about having a fed baby is optimizing each and every feeding. Below are a few of our favorite tips:

Mantras for Parenthood

We often talk with our birth doula clients about using affirmations and mantras to help with the birth process as they can be extremely helpful to cope. And in the same light, using affirmations as a new parent can be encouraging. Here are a few of our favorites:

Entertaining a Toddler While Nursing a Newborn

Learning about your new baby and how to nurse can be challenging enough, but also dealing with a busy toddler AND nursing a newborn? Well, that is when the Mom Superpowers really show.