
Provider Spotlight: Impower Physical Therapy & Wellness

Two of my biggest goals for 2021 have been providing more postpartum support for our clients and more community support for our doulas. And, well, when I met Radhika Bhatt Trivedi, PT, DPT of Impower Physical Therapy & Wellness, she helped me reach both of those goals!

Realistic New Years Resolutions for New Moms

New Years Resolutions are great and all, but how many times how many of you made a resolution to do something you *wanted* to do, but it just wasn’t reasonable? 

🙋‍♀️Me. I have done it.

Realistic Self Care for New Parents

Self care is important, but sometimes not attainable for new parents. Today we are talking about realistic self care.

How To Treat Yourself If You’re a Busy Mom

Families are busier than ever these days. Statistics confirm it. If you’re a mom, odds are good you don’t have a lot of free time to focus on your needs. Maybe you’re trying to figure out things like how to get kids to eat vegetables without a fight, get everyone to their activities on time, and finish your own work. No matter what you’re trying to balance, chances are good that there’s a lot going on.

Mantras for Parenthood

We often talk with our birth doula clients about using affirmations and mantras to help with the birth process as they can be extremely helpful to cope. And in the same light, using affirmations as a new parent can be encouraging. Here are a few of our favorites:

Infant Behavioral States 

Just like you, infants sometimes are not in the mood for certain activities. While they cannot verbalize that, parents, babysitters, and other guardians begin to notice signs of what the baby is feeling. 

First Rule of Parenting: Never Say Never

First Rule of Parenting: Never Say Never

While you are pregnant, every new parent starts to think about how they will parent, and make a lot of statements about how they will never let their future children do certain things. We are all guilty of it.