Work and breasfeeding

Health Fair Planning Guide

Health fairs are growing in popularity around the Triangle as businesses are appreciating that employee wellness translate to business wellness. Below are a few of favorite ideas for helping your event be a success!

How to Know Baby is Getting Enough to Eat

One of the biggest concerns for all new parents, well actually all parents in general, is how do you know if your child is getting enough to eat?

Common Nipple Issues While Breastfeeding 

One of the most common concerns we hear from our breastfeeding clients is about the status of their nipples! From cracked and bloody, to flat and sore, we hear it all. The most important thing to remember: your nipples should not hurt while breastfeeding or pumping!

Breastfeeding Should Not Hurt

Pain is never normal, even during breastfeeding.

Building Your Frozen Breast Milk Supply 

A few of our favorite tips to building a freezer stash from our friends at Aeroflow Breastpumps!

The Golden Hour Redefined

The “Golden Hour” has become very popular to discuss within the birthing community in the past few years.

Making Returning to Work, Work 

Making Returning to Work, Work 

Whether you are going back to work at 6 weeks, 6 months, or even a year, there are always some adjustments. Parents that continue to breastfeed while working certainly face a few different obstacles, but we believe if you develop a sustainable plan prior to a big event, you are more likely to succeed.