
Common Nipple Issues While Breastfeeding 

One of the most common concerns we hear from our breastfeeding clients is about the status of their nipples! From cracked and bloody, to flat and sore, we hear it all. The most important thing to remember: your nipples should not hurt while breastfeeding or pumping!

What’s Your Goal For Today? 

What’s Your Goal For Today? 

We approach each client at each postpartum doula shift with a clean slate. We do not have any opinions about what should, or what should not be done, by the parent, or what should or should not be expected from the baby. We do, however, always start the shift with the same simple question: What is your goal for today?

Our Birth Philosophy is Your Birth Philosophy

Our Birth Philosophy is Your Birth Philosophy

We learn your philosophy on as many aspects of the birthing process as possible, so that we enter the birth room 110% with your best interests in mind!

DIY PADsicles for Postpartum Comfort 

DIY PADsicles for Postpartum Comfort 

A PADsicle! What? A popsicle? NO! A PADsicle. That’s right we are talking about the FAMOUS PADsicle today.