The Key to Staying Strong & Healthy as a Single Father

The responsibility of a father extends deep and far into a child’s life. This is why being a parent is a demanding job and it requires a profound and relentless supply of energy and love. For single parents that responsibility is greater because there is no one to share the work with. Single fathers face their fair share of challenges, but remaining conscious of a few important tips can help in alleviating them.

Provider Spotlight: Women and Family Nutrition

I always thought I ate well: I enjoy cooking, I try to eat less meat, more vegetables, organic when I can, low sugar (mostly), but as I have learned about my fertility, I figured why not talk to a professional. Enter Pam Schoenfeld of Women and Family Nutrition!

Provider Spotlight: Verve Holistic

Verve Holistic Health is an integrative health practice that cares for families with true health in mind. We treat all people for a broad array of issues with our core focus on Women and Children. Fertility, pregnancy, postpartum care, breastfeeding and other women centered issues are our true passions. By taking the time to really discover the unique aspects of your health history, we are able to formulate a complete method for your plan of care. You will never feel rushed during your appointments at Verve. Additionally, the practitioners meet to coordinate care for our practice members to best meet your specific needs.

5 Tips for Eating Healthy During Pregnancy (Guest Post)

Congratulations to you and your little bean! While you wait to hold your little one in your arms, we know you’ll be working hard to keep them comfortably warm and nourished.

That said, if you’re already parenting another child—or a few!—making time to eat well can be a task all on its own, more so if the sibling-to-be is an energetic toddler who is also a picky eater. Meanwhile, morning sickness (or indeed, any-time-of-day queasiness) might also be messing with your appetite, or simply, your ability to keep down your favorites.

Guest Blog: Mindfulness Exercises For The "New Normal"

The holidays are upon us and so (at times) is stress, anxiety, and a bit of chaos. To limit unwarranted emotions from impacting your pregnancy, we encourage you to incorporate mindfulness exercises into your daily routine. Mindfulness activities can positively prepare you for the stressors of life and labor.

The Power of Magnesium

First things first, why as a society do we tend to be magnesium deficient? Most Western diets contain processed foods, high refined cards, and changes in our farming practices and soil quality means that foods have lower amounts of Magnesium, and our bodies are being negatively impacted by that change.

Postpartum Depression and Substance Abuse

Research shows that 10-15 percent of mothers have postpartum depression after delivery. Postpartum depression can set in anywhere between two weeks and one year after having a baby. Seeking help for new mothers to overcome the condition can protect them from many challenges.

Provider Spotlight: Miranda Ripalda, Financial Advisor | Edward Jones

Having hard conversations is part of being a parent, and for many that means talking about money. Both planning for the known (childcare costs, buying a house, paying for college, etc), and the unknown (unexpected loss of income of one or both parents, etc), can be a bit scary to begin the conversation, but so necessary!

Looking After Yourself While Looking After A Newborn: A Guide for Single Fathers (Guest Blog)

You’ve never felt anything else like it: the overwhelming love that engulfs your entire being for this tiny little person. But there’s a secret you probably haven’t told anyone, not even yourself: this wonderful new baby that you love with all of your heart is just exhausting.

Blog courtesy of Josh Moore of Diaper Dads, a site specifically for Soon to be Dads and Dads navigating the world of parenthood!

Therapeutic Benefits of Castor Oil

When you first mention castor oil, there tends to be two general reactions:

  1. OH HELL NO! I had some to help my baby come and never again


2. What is that? Never heard of it!

These opposite ends of the spectrum reaction illustrate that castor oil usage is not very well known. And we are hoping to help shed some light on this amazing oil and how you can safely use it in your everyday life (without having to stay too close to the bathroom!).

Winter Must Haves For Everyone of Your Gift Buying List

Finally, finally, the weather for the best season feels right! With a freeze warning last week, changing leaves, and shorter days, it can only mean one thing: It is time to start gift buying for everyone on your list!

Beautycounter released some of the the Best Holiday Gifts in October, and now, the remaining gift sets! These are perfect for everyone on your list:

Provider Spotlight: The Well Carried Child

I recently had a chance to have a virtual coffee date with Alex Sparrow of The Well Carried Child recently, and it was great to chat with her! It is always great to connect with others, and especially interesting to be able to learn so much.

Guest Blog: How to Plan for a Stress-Free Maternity or Paternity Leave

Becoming a parent is more than rewarding, especially if you’re awaiting your baby to arrive. You may be counting down the days, hours, and minutes until you’re able to meet the new member of your family. While stocking up on newborn baby clothes and celebrating with your loved ones can be thrilling, planning for your time to rest may be a stressor. Thinking about getting back to work and actually taking the maternity leave that you need may be too much to handle.

Physical and Emotional Benefits of Regular Sleep

The emotional and physical benefits that your body and mind experience from have good quality and quantity of sleep can have lasting impacts on your health, including your fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum health.

Best Holiday Gifts For Everyone On Your List

So yes, it is October and the only holiday we should be talking about is Halloween (don’t worry, my Halloween decorations have been up since mid September, no shame in that). But all rules are out in 2020, so let’s talk about the Holiday collection from Beautycounter!!

Impact of Stress on Our Physical and Emotional Health

Stress, either good or bad, has a huge impact on our bodies. Having the ability to have the appropriate hormonal responses to moments of stress is a protective measure, but then also being able to rid our bodies of that stress and the impact it had, has a restorative impact. The balance of these two is what keeps us in harmony. Yet, that harmony is not always intact when life happens.

Provider Spotlight: Vitality Physical Therapy

I recently chatted with Lori O’Neill of Vitality Physical Therapy in Chapel Hill, and in between show and tell of all our various teaching materials involving pelvises, my son jumping on the call to say Hi, and a few technical hiccups, we had a great conversation!

What Does Chiropractic Treatment for Back Pain Involve (Guest Post)

If you’ve ever been to a chiropractor you probably don’t know what a visit would be like. You may not even know exactly what a chiropractor does or the tactics they use. The fact is that, whether your back pain is nonspecific, the result of pregnancy, some sort of strain, or an injury, a doctor of chiropractic can probably help you. This article will explain it all as we focus on the question: what does chiropractic treatment for back pain involve?

Provider Spotlight: Triangle Area Parenting Support (TAPS)

The Triangle is a special place for soon to be parents and families. Not only do we have some amazing prenatal support in place, but the postpartum support we have for new and seasoned parents alike is unmatched. One of those great postpartum support networks is an amazing the amazing Triangle Area Parenting Support (TAPS).

Safer Self Care at Home: Beautycounter Charcoal Mask

At this stage of 2020, we are all trying to do what feels good for our bodies, minds, and spirits. Yet, so often our mental health is being neglected due to everything else we have on our minds. However, this month, let’s try to change that! Mental health self care can be simple things like saying “No” more often when things don’t feel right, but it can also be taking 10 minutes to yourself to do something that feels good.