Prenatal Support

Provider Spotlight: Sara Skinner, LCSW

Working in maternal health is a field that requires an equal amount of passion and drive, but also a personal connection to this time period is often what ignites this passion. Various providers have different paths to this connection whether it is through their experience, a friend or family member’s experience, or just a really inspiring book! I love learning about people’s why as it makes them much more human to me. And in the age of Zoom calls, telehealth, and texting, remembering we are all human is key.

Sara Skinner, LCSW, is no different. She and I actually have known of each since early 2018, we did not officially meet until mid 2019 and then we did not professional connect until just recently. We immediately bonded and talked about all the things related to motherhood, mental health, and of course our mutual love of pit bulls.

Provider Spotlight: Jenna Somich

For our clients, one of the emails thats we send out is about body care and the importance of movement, and we strongly believe it is important! Now, I am not talking couch to Crossfit, but walking is great! But you know what is even better? Working with a personal trainer who knows the pregnant and postpartum body through advanced education and training. And that person is Jenna Somich!

Provider Spotlight: Vitality Physical Therapy

I recently chatted with Lori O’Neill of Vitality Physical Therapy in Chapel Hill, and in between show and tell of all our various teaching materials involving pelvises, my son jumping on the call to say Hi, and a few technical hiccups, we had a great conversation!

How Hormonal Imbalances Impact Skin Appearance

So our skin makes up about 22 pounds of our bodies, and can cover almost 22 square feet if it was flattened out. Obviously, that is a huge amount of our bodies, but how much attention is really paid to the care and wellbeing of the skin?

Virtual Doula Support and Virtual Childbirth Classes

In our new reality of living with stay at home orders, school closures, and wearing pajamas all day, the one thing that will not change is babies. Folks will be getting pregnant, will be needing support, will be needing childbirth educator, and will be giving birth. While the current conditions may not be ideal, our goal at Carolina Birth and Wellness is to provide the level of support pregnant people and their families deserve.

Prenatal Breastfeeding Consultation with an IBCLC

Our International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) believe that the best breastfeeding support is the support that is right for you. We have clients who have varying degrees of goals relating to their breastfeeding journey or a concern that needs a but more guidance before the baby arrives. So, we offer prenatal consultations where our IBCLCs will travel to your home, and provide the support, guidance, and education that you need.