North Carolina

Who Knew Babies Could Have So Much Laundry?

Who Knew Babies Could Have So Much Laundry?

Check out this amazing, lifesaving tips for dealing with all that baby laundry.

Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy 

Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy 

Low back pain during pregnancy is very common issue. The bright side is it means your body and baby are changing. However, it can be hard to see that as a positive when you are struggling to continue with your daily activities in pain. Here are a favorite of our tips to help with that pain.

How to Handle Visitors as an Introvert

How to Handle Visitors as an Introvert

Having visitors to your home when you are an introvert can be less than appealing. Check out a few of our favorite tips for enjoying those visitors. 

Importance of Postpartum Planning

Importance of Postpartum Planning

Planning for what it will be like to bring your new baby home is an important aspect of birth that is often overlooked. Learn more about our postpartum planning sessions and classes. 

Doula Support During an Epidural

Doula Support During an Epidural

Epidurals are a wonderful way to pain management tool during childbirth, and our doulas are trained to provide some amazing physical, emotional and educational support to you while the epidural is being administered and for the remained of your labor and delivery. 

Managing Visitors and your Newborn (plus a FREE printable for managing visitors!) 

Managing Visitors and your Newborn (plus a FREE printable for managing visitors!) 

It all starts from a good place: friends and family calling and texting you, inviting themselves over to your home, and cuddling your newborn. But sometimes those good intentions have less than good implications on new parents. 

How Deep is Too Deep?

How Deep is Too Deep?

Receiving a deep tissue should be wonderful, relaxing, and therapeutic. It should never be painful! Read

When to Hire a Doula 

When to Hire a Doula 

Decide not only if you want a doula, but also when to hire a doula can be confusing. Let's explore some of the factors that go into deciding if you will hire your doula at 10 weeks, or 38 weeks.

Safe Placenta Encapsulation

Safe Placenta Encapsulation

Carolina Birth and Wellness will no longer off the RAW method of preparation due to safety concerns addressed in the recent CDC article that cited safety concerns with placenta encapsulation. 

Top 10 Reasons Why Doulas Are Not Just for First Time Parents

Top 10 Reasons Why Doulas Are Not Just for First Time Parents

Doulas are for everyone! Especially 2nd, 3rd, and even 4th time parents. Read more about our favorite reasons why doulas are not just for first time parents!

A Natural Intervention is Still an Intervention

A Natural Intervention is Still an Intervention

“Natural” interventions or tips that can be recommended by your favorite Midwife Facebook, or Doctor Google can be great, but also dangerous if you do not have someone that understands what method you are interested in trying and your specific medical history. 

How To Get More Sleep With a Newborn

How To Get More Sleep With a Newborn

Ah sleep. The amazing, elusive treat that new parents long for and new babies rebel against. While it might seem like a luxury, it is very important that as a new parent, especially if you just gave birth, you are able to get a least a few hours of sleep each day.

Team Work Between Doulas and Medical Providers

Team Work Between Doulas and Medical Providers

Working WITH Midwives, Doctors and Nurses is one of biggest goals as an agency with doulas serving Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill area hospitals and birth centers.

Importance of Having A Doula

Importance of Having A Doula

Preparing for a baby can mean you get to plan and prepare a nursery, pick out adorable baby clothes, as well as surround yourself with family and friends who are equally as excited for you. And while there a ton of exciting firsts during pregnancy, there are also some less exciting events you may experience where a doulas expertise and support would be incredibly beneficial. 

Protocols Regarding Releasing a Patient’s Placenta 

Protocols Regarding Releasing a Patient’s Placenta 

Understanding the policies for having your placenta released to you by your birthing location is an important step in preparing for birth. Read more about those policies here!

Placenta Salve

Placenta Salve

Having a placenta salve is a wonderful way to have a topical balm made with organic beeswax, nutrient coconut oil, calming lavender essential oil, and your own placenta!

Hormones in the Placenta 

Hormones in the Placenta 

Learning about why placenta encapsulation is a great addition to your postpartum plan starts with learning about the various hormones that are present in your placenta and why they are beneficial to you!

When to NOT Have Your Placenta Encapsulated 

When to NOT Have Your Placenta Encapsulated 

Knowing both the benefits and risks of a situation is the best way to make an informed decision. Read more to see the risks and contraindications that can be associated with placenta encapsulation. 

Placenta Prints

Placenta Prints

Placenta prints are a wonderful way to have a visual reminder of your placenta. Learn more about them here!