Postpartum Support

Benefits of Massage Therapy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 

Benefits of Massage Therapy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 

Whether you are experiencing carpal tunnel related to pregnancy or you are an office worker who has been experiencing carpal tunnel due to repetitive movements at your desk, you know how uncomfortable it can be in your hands and wrists.

Your Unique Cord Keepsake

Your Unique Cord Keepsake

Many of our placenta encapsulation clients are aware of the both the physical and emotional benefits they receive from taking placenta capsules. However, many are unsure of the reasons for receiving the complimentary cord keepsakes that we offer our clients. We hope this will help you learn about why the umbilical cord is special, and also why you should want to save it.

Best Christmas Cookies...EVER

Best Christmas Cookies...EVER

Looking for the best Christmas cookie? Look no further!

When You Hire Carolina Birth and Wellness As Your Doulas 

When You Hire Carolina Birth and Wellness As Your Doulas 

When you are hire us as your doulas, you can be sure that not only are you getting a team of professional doulas, you are getting two doulas that will show up when you need us!

11 Tips to Make Great Freezer Meals

11 Tips to Make Great Freezer Meals

Making freezer meals is not only a great way to save money and ensure you are eating healthy, it is also very convenient! If you are preparing for a new baby, or just planning ahead for busy weeks with not enough time, freezer meals will definitely make everything easier.

Overnight Support 

Overnight Support 

Sleep when the baby sleeps they say. Well, they also mean hire a postpartum doula for overnight support in Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill and you will be actually be able to sleep when the baby sleeps. 

11 Tips To Get Your Fur Baby Ready For Your New Baby

11 Tips To Get Your Fur Baby Ready For Your New Baby

You already have your fur baby, but if you are adding a human baby to your pack, we have a few helpful tips to help make that transition a bit easier.

Placenta Capsules

Placenta Capsules

The most popular and safest way to consume your placenta is via placenta encapsulation. During the encapsulation process, we take our time to ensure that each capsule is properly prepared to make the process of taking the capsule every day will be as easy as possible for you. 

The Power of Unlimited Support

The Power of Unlimited Support

Who ya gonna call? Ghostbu-- Your Doula! 

Your doulas are always available to you via unlimited phone, text, and email support 24/7 as soon as you sign your contract. 

The Postpartum Visit for Birth Doulas 

The Postpartum Visit for Birth Doulas 

All of our birth doula packages include a complimentary consultation, two prenatal appointments, complete birth support, and one postpartum visit. The postpartum visit is not necessarily to provide postpartum care since we are still wearing our birth doula hats, but it is debrief about the birth experience and make a plan moving forward with finally having your newborn home with you!

Five Minutes of Self Care

Five Minutes of Self Care

Finding time for self care with all of the hats that we wear as Mothers and Fathers can be challenging, But remember: You cannot fill from an empty cup. 

Hot Stone Massage

Hot Stone Massage

A hot stone massage is a wonderful way to treat yourself on a chilly day, but it also a very therapeutic massage intended to provide deep heat to stubborn muscles. 

Five Date Nights In To Enjoy This Weekend

Five Date Nights In To Enjoy This Weekend

Spending time is a couple is important, even if you have kids. Try these fun stay at home date nights this weekend!

Importance of the Initial Meeting With Your Doula

Importance of the Initial Meeting With Your Doula

The support of a doula is often associated with just labor and delivery support. And while for our birth doulas, that is a huge amount of their support, we also have doulas for your entire family, from conception to any stage of the postpartum period.

Who Knew Babies Could Have So Much Laundry?

Who Knew Babies Could Have So Much Laundry?

Check out this amazing, lifesaving tips for dealing with all that baby laundry.

Tips for Thriving with a Newborn 

Tips for Thriving with a Newborn 

We want you to THRIVE when you have your newborn, not just survive. Check out 30 tips to do just that. 

Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy 

Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy 

Low back pain during pregnancy is very common issue. The bright side is it means your body and baby are changing. However, it can be hard to see that as a positive when you are struggling to continue with your daily activities in pain. Here are a favorite of our tips to help with that pain.

How to Handle Visitors as an Introvert

How to Handle Visitors as an Introvert

Having visitors to your home when you are an introvert can be less than appealing. Check out a few of our favorite tips for enjoying those visitors. 

Importance of Postpartum Planning

Importance of Postpartum Planning

Planning for what it will be like to bring your new baby home is an important aspect of birth that is often overlooked. Learn more about our postpartum planning sessions and classes. 

Managing Visitors and your Newborn (plus a FREE printable for managing visitors!) 

Managing Visitors and your Newborn (plus a FREE printable for managing visitors!) 

It all starts from a good place: friends and family calling and texting you, inviting themselves over to your home, and cuddling your newborn. But sometimes those good intentions have less than good implications on new parents.