
Using a Superbill for Insurance Reimbursement for Lactation Services

We can provide a Superbill for you to provide to your insurance company for reimbursement of our lactation support services for client’s in their homes in Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill.

Complimentary Phone Consultation with IBCLC

One of our goals at Carolina Birth and Wellness is to offer complete support every step of the way during pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period. So when we brought two International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) onto our team and launched our lactation program, we knew we also had to make this support expand to pregnancy.

Airline Travel with Infants

As we gear up for the holiday season, it means first time parents are wondering how to travel with an infant. And believe it or not, traveling with an infant isn’t all that bad! Sure, you have a few extra things when it comes to moving around, but you also may get earlier boarding and the joy of sharing your baby with your family for the first time during the holidays!

Adjusting to Life With Two Kids

As you make the transition from one kid to two, there are definitely some major changes to your life. Yes, there is another little person to take care of and maybe a little less sleep for you. But, your heart grows and the love you feel for your first baby doesn’t change, you just double the amount of love for your new baby!

Provider Spotlight: Holman Family Dental Care

We are luck to have Dr. Shaina Holman of Holman Family Dental Care in our Chapel Hill community to help families who may have a baby with a tongue or lip tie.

Realistic Self Care for New Parents

Self care is important, but sometimes not attainable for new parents. Today we are talking about realistic self care.

Mom Hacks: Household Items to Help Keep Babies Clean

Busy Moms need some Mom Hacks that will help clean those stubborn stains and messes our kids make.

Provider Spotlight: Verve Holistic Health, Dr. Brooke Sellers

Physical wellness and taking care of your body are very important to us both as individuals and as a business. The better you care for your body, they better it can perform daily functions. Part of the way that we love taking care of ourselves is visiting chiropractors for alignments and better over function.

How To Treat Yourself If You’re a Busy Mom

Families are busier than ever these days. Statistics confirm it. If you’re a mom, odds are good you don’t have a lot of free time to focus on your needs. Maybe you’re trying to figure out things like how to get kids to eat vegetables without a fight, get everyone to their activities on time, and finish your own work. No matter what you’re trying to balance, chances are good that there’s a lot going on.

Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs) in Men

Being a new Dad is life changing. There are amazing highs, and for about 1 in 10 men, there are some pretty low lows.

Choosing a Pediatrician In Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill

One of the many things on your checklist during your pregnancy will be to choose a pediatrician for your child.

Provider Spotlight: Sleeping Grass Kids Drop In Center

Finding reliable, affordable, and trustworthy childcare is probably the hardest part of having children. Then add in a rotating scheduling where childcare needs are not the same day to day or week to week, and it is even more challenging.

Monthly New Parents Meet Ups

We have learned from our clients one of their biggest wishes for our support is to have more of a sense of community. We began building our virtual community with our very active Facebook group in 2018, and 2019 is the year of face to face community building!

Virtual Doula Support

And while some clients love to have that face to face support that they receive through our traditional Birth Doula Support, or our Postpartum Doula Support some have more specific needs. Those needs may not require that same physical presence at their birth. Because of that, we are officially launching our Virtual Doula Support.

Questions To Ask On A Doula Interview

During our years of meeting potential clients, we have been asked some great questions about why we are the ideal birth and postpartum doulas for you in the Triangle area.

Provider Spotlight: Whole Mama Yoga

A few months ago, we were lucky enough to take a Yoga for Doulas from Whole Mama Yoga. It was great for us to learn some basic poses that we could pass on to our clients, as well as a great time for us to enjoy a lovely afternoon of yoga with other Triangle area doulas.

Provider Spotlight: Triangle Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center

We have known Dr. Lindsay Mumma of Triangle Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center for a few years now, and love her approach to prenatal and postpartum care in the Triangle!

Topical Nipple Care

Last week we talked about typical nipple issues that many of our breastfeeding clients face, from compression lines on nipples due to shallow latch to infections, and everything in between. The most important part of nipple care though is always figuring out the problem prior to caring for your nipple. Our postpartum doulas can help you figure out the problem, but once you have done that, you are left wondering how do you actually care for your damaged nipples?

Common Nipple Issues While Breastfeeding 

One of the most common concerns we hear from our breastfeeding clients is about the status of their nipples! From cracked and bloody, to flat and sore, we hear it all. The most important thing to remember: your nipples should not hurt while breastfeeding or pumping!

Common vs. Normal During Pregnancy

So often on Facebook and other social media sites, our birth doulas and postpartum doulas read questions from concerned pregnant folks or new parents asking various questions about if others experienced a similar issue during pregnancy, birth, and/or parenthood. However, we are reframing that question to: Is it common and is it also normal?